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Brescia University UCTL


Mixed Enrollment Pedagogy

Resources on pedagogy for online instruction can be found in the UCTL Online Pedagogy Channel. At the top of the channel open the OPC: Online Pedagogy Conversations Notebook. If you have questions, please email Dr. Anna Kuthy:

A number of mixed enrollment teaching and online resources are available in addition to preparedness conversations to help faculty. If you would like to join us on any of these topics, please see our schedule.

Provide Your Course Resources In Moodle

To learn how to add content such as class notes, readings, presentations and other content to your LMS Moodle Course, visit the ET LMS MOODLE center.  Communicate through Moodle using announcements, online discussion forums, pre-recorded videos or podcasts, and the Moodle Course activities and resources.  The more the variety the better the UDL goals are met.  Assess your students with Moodle quizzes, tests, and surveys.  Use the TurnItIn features in Moodle to help curb plagiarism. This feature is a web application for the grading process that streamlines the process, comparing student work against a database of websites and previous paper submissions from within the course and other courses, as well as other schools and universities.

Hold a Synchronous Class Virtually

The MS TEAMS provides a robust platform for virtual collaboration and meetings, pairing full video and audio conferencing capabilities with content sharing and cloud recording in Office 365 Stream.  Use the ET TEAMS to find out how you can use TEAMS to enhance the mixed enrollment environment. If you plan to meet with your students virtually, it is best practice to keep it at the regularly scheduled time in order not to interfere with other class times for each student.  It is also good practice to use MS TEAMS as a Virtual Office Hour so that your students can meet with you one-on-one or in smaller groups as needed.   Your Moodle course page can specify how and when these hours are available to the students. 

Strategies to Reduce Cheating in Online Exams

Many instructors are hesitant to include exams within their online courses because of the potential of compromising academic integrity. Virtual live proctoring technologies but may be too expensive and not part of the instructor’s institution’s distance education infrastructure. Additionally, having students take exams under the eye of an online proctor may negatively impact student success on the exam. A recent article in Faculty Focus listed 14 Simple Strategies to Reduce Cheating on Online Examinations. Even without expensive virtual proctoring tools, there are many ways that instructors can leverage the inherent features within their institution’s Learning Management System (LMS) to decrease cheating during online examinations. Of the fourteen listed, the most widely used is to create questions that require higher order thinking requiring students to explain, analyze, infer, create, compose, evaluate and authentically demonstrate their mastery of course content.

Access for ALL Students: UDL

Use the following resources to help you make your course a Universal Design for Learning course:

Explore AccessA well-designed course is more usable for all students. The design also takes into consideration that not all students navigate or access the online environment in the same way. This toolkit focuses on three key principles:

  • Intuitive: The layout of the course is simple, consistent and predictable.
  • Perceivable: The content is designed so that it can be perceived by a wide range of users, regardless of disability.
  • Navigable: Course navigation does not assume that the student is using a specific device, such as a mouse. A user can navigate the course using the keyboard alone or with the use of assistive technology in ways that are equally effective. 
  • CAST also has developed a specific site to help make your course ready for all students to access.

CDC for Colleges and Universities

If you feel uncertain of expectations and/or the regulations set by CDC, visit this site CDC for Colleges and Universities. The American Sociological Association prepared this resource for teaching online during this pandemic and unprecedented times. 



The following resources were gleaned from the summer course through Magna. Click on the link for each unit and log in using your Brescia email and password.


Instructors can help students succeed online by taking small, deliberate actions along the way of the course.


A course design process where an instructor 

sets learning goals prior to creating 

instructional materials and assessments. 

Focus on what you think is most important for students.


A visible and engaged instructor helps students be more motivated, on track, engaged, and successful.


Strive to use technology in your online course with purpose and meaning.





In preparation, you should make sure you have tested your access to the following equipment at home:

  • Laptop or desktop computer.
  • Microphone – this may be built into your laptop or computer, or you may use an external device such as a USB microphone or headset
  • Webcam – a camera may already be built into your laptop, but you can also use an external USB camera for video conferencing. 
  • Internet – If you plan to host synchronous sessions, it is best to be connected to the internet instead of using WiFi.

Be prepared! It’s best to know these options will work for you before you actually need them. Test access to your equipment and resources at home before the need arises. 

Accessing your LMS Moodle

To access your LMS Moodle, in the URL type  Log in with your Brescia email and password. If this is your first time logging in, you will need to use your Brescia ID number.  You will then be prompted to change your password. For more resources on using LMS Moodle, please visit the ET Center: LMS Moodle.

Meet & Chat Online

Microsoft Teams combines modern online meeting technology with persistent chat, file storage, and collaboration. The full functionality of teams is now available to faculty, staff, and students. Closed Captioning is available in the live sessions in Teams as well as in Stream for recorded videos. To get started log in to Microsoft Teams from your web browser or download the Teams app from Microsoft. For more resources on using MS TEAMS, please visit the ET Center: MS TEAMS.
Zoom Meetings also provide a  platform for online collaboration and meetings, pairing full video and audio conferencing capabilities with content sharing and cloud recording. Faculty automatically receive fully licensed accounts. For more resources on using Zoom, please visit the
ET Center: Zoom.

Access Your BU Phone/Voicemail

You can access your phone messages and voice mail from any phone by following these proceduresYou can also have your Brescia phone ring on your cell phone by accessing Jive Communications.  Using the GoToConnect app on your smart phone will let your office phone ring on your cell phone. It identifies who is calling. You can also access any messages left on your answering machine through this app. 


Students Mixed Enrollment Resources

To access information for mixed-enrollment as a student, please visit the LEARNING CENTER: Student Mixed Enrollment.