Following is Brescia University's policy on Academic Integrity, found on page 44 of the 2014-2016 Brescia University Catalog:
An instructor who becomes aware of an act of deliberate academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, should report the student(s) involved to the Academic Dean and describe the disciplinary action proposed. (Note: ―Plagiarism is defined as the deliberate use of another‘s ideas, work, or words as one‘s own, without properly documenting and crediting the original source.) Purchasing or copying another‘s work and using it as one‘s own, cheating on tests, refusing to do one‘s share of group work for which all will receive the same grade, and not doing one‘s own homework are other examples of academic dishonesty, as is uring a paper completed for one class as an assignment for another class without informing the instructor. Instructors post within their syllabi their individual policies regarding academic integrity and the consequences for violating that policy within their own courses.
If the incident is particularly damaging to the University, or if the proposed disciplinary action seems out of proportion to the gravity of the incident, the Academic Dean may inter-view the student(s) personally. After conferring with the faculty member, the Academic Dean will either support the proposed disciplinary action or recommend an alternative.
Academic dishonesty is so serious that a repeated offense may result in the Academic Dean‘s decision to suspend or dismiss the student. Any student who feels that s/he has not had a fair hearing, or that the severity of the penalty is unwarranted, may appeal to the Academic Dean within ten (10) days for a hearing by an ad hoc board similar to that used for grade review appeals.