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Brescia University’s library staff are happy to assist you in finding the exact book, article (i.e. journal article or book chapter), or audio/visual you need through our Interlibrary Loan exchange. Use the links at the bottom to get the process started.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service provided By Fr. Leonard Alvey Library for current Brescia faculty, staff, and students.
Your current Brescia ID allows you borrowing privileges at area Owensboro libraries (Daviess County Public Library, Kentucky Wesleyan College, and Owensboro Community and Technical College). If the item you need is available at one of these local libraries, you are encouraged to check it out from there.
Disclaimer: Fr. Leonard Alvey Library cannot guarantee that items requested via ILL will arrive in a timely fashion. The late arrival of items is usually due to circumstances out of the Fr. Leonard Alvey Library's control (i.e. courier delay, network failure, lost mail, etc.).