Just as you would with a human author or creator, you must cite AI tools if you are using them to generate content. Several citation guides have released official guidelines or semi-official suggestions on how to cite AI-generated content. Below are some guidelines for citing AI; however, these may adapt over time so if you are not sure, please be sure to check in with some of the citation source guides we have listed on our Copyright LibGuide or reach out to your individual instructor to verify their preference.
"Prompt text" prompt. AI tool, version of tool, company that made the tool, date text was generated. URL.
Company that made the tool (date text was generated). AI tool (version of tool) [large language model]. URL.
In Chicago, you'll cite generative AI differently depending on whether or not you included the prompt in the text of your paper. If you included it in your paper, you don't need to repeat it in the citation.
Prompt already included in paper:
Prompt not yet included in the paper:
Prompt already included in paper:
Prompt not yet included in paper:
If you're referencing or including an AI-generated image in your papers, you should include information about how it was generated. This is also required for human-created artwork and some human-created photographs. In most citation styles, you don't need to include this in the works cited, only as a caption for the image.
If you're including an AI-generated image in the body of a paper, give it a figure number (e.x.Fig.1, Fig. 2)
Fig.1. "Full prompt" prompt, Name of Tool, Company Name, date image was generated, URL.
As of July 2023, APA has not issued specific guidance on how to cite AI-generated images. For now, cite as you would any other image, using the guidelines APA has issued for AI-generated text.
In-text citation
(Company that made the AI tool, year the image was generated).
Company that made the AI tool. (Year the image was generated). Name of the AI tool as specifically as possible. Version of the AI tool. [AI image generator]. URL.
The Chicago Manual of Style's website recommends you cite AI-generated images like any other image, while including both the name of the AI tool that generated the image, the company that created the AI, and the prompt that generated the image.
"Prompt, "image generated by [Company's AI Tool], date image was generated.
Check out the Chicago Style Guide on images for more information.