Artificial Intelligence: For Instructors

Artificial intelligence resources for faculty

For Your Syllabus

The AI Taskforce recommends faculty include the following statement in all syllabi: 

"Plagiarism” is defined as the deliberate use of ideas, work, or words as one’s own that are the product of another entity, e.g., person or AI, without properly documenting and crediting the original source.



  • If you are unsure if the certain use of an AI-based tool is a violation of an academic integrity policy, please communicate with the professor of that course. Each instructor may have different expectations regarding AI in the classroom, so it is best to double check or seek clarity if you are unsure.
  • If you have any questions about AI literacy or finding additional resources, please email or schedule an appointment with a librarian. We'd be happy to assist in person or online!
  • If you have any additional questions about AI that go beyond the scope of this guide, please check our catalog or databases for additional resources to explore or contact a librarian to assist you in your search.

 Please Note

  • Information regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) updates at a rapid pace. As such, you may come across information in this guide that is considered out of date despite efforts to keep information up to date. 
  • The Fr. Leonard Alvey Library does not endorse any specific AI technologies and encourages users to be diligent about sharing personal information when utilizing AI tools. 

How Can AI Help?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers several ways to support faculty members in their teaching and administrative roles at universities. Here are some ways AI can be beneficial:

  1. Improving Student Writing:

    • Faculty can use AI tools to enhance student writing. Create an assignment that requires students to experiment with ChatGPT! By learning how to create effective prompts, students can improve their writing skills.
  2. Preparing Slide Decks:

    • AI-powered tools like MagicSlides and SlidesGPT can assist faculty in creating visually appealing slide presentations. 
  3. Educational Quizzes and Questions:

    • AI can automatically generate quiz questions from existing content. By analyzing textbooks, lecture notes, or articles, it creates multiple-choice, true/false, or short-answer questions.
  4. Provide Examples and Scenarios:

    • ChatGPT can create practical scenarios and exemplify various facets of information literacy, including source evaluation, information synthesis, and proper citation. These illustrative examples are valuable for classroom discussions and interactive learning experiences, aiding learners in comprehending and applying information literacy principles 

Remember that AI adoption in higher education comes with challenges related to security, ethics, and training. However, when used effectively, AI can enhance teaching practices and benefit both faculty and students.

Rethinking Plagiarism and Cheating

Research Libraries Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence

Articulating a set of research library guiding principles for AI is useful to influence policy and advocate for the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies, promote ethical and transparent practices, and build trust among stakeholders, within research libraries as well as across the research environment. These principles will serve as a foundational framework for the ethical and transparent use of AI and reflect the values we hold in research libraries. ARL will rely on these principles in our policy advocacy and engagement. 

Research Libraries Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence

To cite

“Research Libraries Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence.” Association of Research Libraries, April 2024.