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Laboratory of Dr. Jacob Adler: Biochemistry

This is an archived website of past work by Jacob Adler at Brescia University.

Student Research and Accomplishments

Congratulations to a successful laboratory experiment on monitoring estrogen receptor dependent drugs in cells that don't have estrogen receptors. This team worked on the NSF-sponsored Cell Biology Education Consortium Grant #1827066 and made several novel discoveries highlighted in their poster "Effect of Tamoxifen and Fulvestrant on Estrogen-Receptor-Negative HeLa Cell Growth" linked below.

Congrats to Hannah Yonts on her entrance into University of Georgia College of Pharmacy! I am very excited for you. 

Congrats to Mary Sumlut on her entrance into Ph.D. in Biochemistry at the University of Louisville! I am very excited for you.

Congrats to both Tristan Haight and Ryan Oates on their entrance into Ph.D. in Chemistry and Biochemistry at The University of Oklahoma! I am very proud of you both. This photo was taken in San Diego when we presented our poster at the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) Annual Meeting. The research was from our manuscript entitled "Effect of HER2 Expression on NUPL2 Protein in Cervical Cancer Cells" was published in the Kentucky Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship after peer-review. This poster is linked below. Good work team!

Congrats to students Andrew Beams, Eva Burelos, Conner Hundley, Landon Dame, and Laura Sims on their two publications! Manuscript entitled "Rosa hybrid Gene GAPC is Mutated in the Presence of the Rose Rosette Virus" was published in the Kentucky Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship after peer-review and their genomic DNA sequences of GAPC from Rosa hybrid published in National Center for Biotechnological Information (NCBI). Good work team!

Congratulations to a successful laboratory experiment on Rose Rosette Disease Gene Expression Analysis. This team worked with the Western Kentucky Botanical Garden and made several novel discoveries highlighted in their poster "Expression Analysis of Metabolic and Senescence Genes in Rosa hybrid Infected with the Rose Rosette Virus" linked below.


Student Research Posters

Students Having Fun in Lab!