Prevent Like a Bearcat: Safety Planning: Being Safer & Feeling Safer

Practical information about dating/domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. What it is. What to do.

There are many things you can choose to do to help you feel and be safer.



We want you be be safe and feel safe.

Learn more about physical safety planning and emotional safety planning here.

Physical Safety

Do you feel that an order of protection from Brescia and/or Kentucky would be beneficial?

Would you like to create your own safety plan in case you need one?

When people experience dating/domestic abuse, sexual assault, and/or stalking, it can be vital to create a safety plan in order to increase their physical safety and security so that their bodies  and surroundings are safer and more secure. 

A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan to improve your safety while experiencing abuse, preparing to leave an abusive situation, or after you leave. A safety plan includes vital information tailored to your unique situation and will help you prepare for and respond to different scenarios, including telling your friends and family about your situation, coping with emotions, and various resources suited to your individual circumstances.

Some preparations for a safety plan might seem obvious, but it can be hard to think clearly or make logical decisions during moments of crisis or intense emotion. Having a safety plan laid out in advance can help you protect yourself physically and emotionally in high-stress situations. 

Common components of a safety plan can include things like a code word for trusted family, friends, or coworkers to use so they know when to call for help; screening phone calls; changing or deleting social media accounts; altering your routes when walking or driving; requesting a no-contact or protective order; changing rooms or adding locks to doors or windows; walking with someone. There are many more options to add to a safety plan.

 Click here to make a personalized safety plan for yourself.

                           Emotional Safety

Even when someone is physically safe, it can sometimes be hard for them to feel safe. Making a plan for how you can manage uncomfortable or distressing emotions can be very beneficial part of safety planning. Healthy self-care practices and social connection and support can increase your peace of mind, promote relaxation, and connect you with others, all of which can increase your resilience and soften the recovery process.

Everyone has different things that help them at different times. Select what is right for you.

You can practice emotional safety using some the ideas below. And you can create your own too!